πŸ”— DOSI Wallet Connection and Voucher Transfer Guide

βœ… This is Guide to Connect SNKRZ App and DOSI Wallet

DOSI Wallet Connection Guide:

  1. Click the 'Import' button at the upper right corner of the Inventory within the SNKRZ app.
  2. Click the 'Connect' button on the right side at the bottom labeled 'DOSI.'
  3. Log in to your DOSI Wallet.
  4. Click the 'Return to App' button.
  5. DOSI Wallet connection completed.

βœ… Guide for Transferring LAND Vouchers from DOSI Wallet to SNKRZ App After SNKRZ App and DOSI Wallet Connection:

LAND Voucher Inventory Transfer Guide (1):

  1. After connecting DOSI Wallet, click the 'Import' button at the upper right corner of the Inventory.
  2. Click the 'DOSI' button at the bottom.
  3. Click the 'Send to Inventory' button.
  4. Click 'What would you like to send?' and select a LAND.

LAND Voucher Inventory Transfer Guide (2):

  1. Choose a LAND, click the '+' button on the left, and select the LAND voucher you want to transfer from your holdings.
  2. Click 'Confirm.'
  3. Enter the passcode for DOSI Wallet.
  4. The LAND voucher will be successfully transferred to the inventory.

βœ… Guide for Transferring LAND Vouchers and LAND from Inventory to DOSI Wallet:

LAND Voucher DOSI Wallet Transfer Guide (1):

  1. Click the 'Transfer to Wallet' button at the bottom of the collection in the Inventory of the SNKRZ app.
  2. Click the 'DOSI' button.
  3. Click 'What would you like to send?' and select 'LAND.'

LAND Voucher DOSI Wallet Transfer Guide (2):

  1. Choose a LAND, click the '+' button on the left, and select the LAND voucher you want to transfer to DOSI Wallet.
  2. Click 'Confirm.'
  3. Enter the SNKRZ app password.
  4. The LAND voucher will be successfully transferred to DOSI Wallet.

*A fee of 1FRC is applied when transferring from the inventory to DOSI Wallet.